My First Client of My Web Development Business

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Launching my web development business, Lucerny, was a goal of mine. In this project blog post, I am excited to share the journey of securing and completing my first client project, the lessons I learned, and more.

The Project

My first client was a local plastering business seeking a professional and user-friendly website to enhance their online presence. This project was a significant milestone for me, marking the beginning of my professional journey in web development.

The client required a comprehensive solution that included a responsive design, easy navigation, and image system to display their works. I chose to build the website using Next.js (opens in a new tab), ensuring optimal performance and scalability.

Key Features

Technical Challenges

One of the challenges I faced was optimizing the website for speed without compromising on aesthetics. This required a good selection of the image loading system, optimization of the images and lazy loading.

Lessons Learned

Client Communication

Effective communication with the client was crucial throughout the project. Regular updates and feedback sessions ensured that the project stayed on track and met the client's expectations. This experience underscored the importance of clear and consistent communication in achieving project success.

Project Management

Managing the project from start to finish taught me valuable lessons in time management and prioritization. Setting realistic milestones and deadlines helped me stay organized and deliver the project on time.

Technical Growth

Working on this project expanded my technical skills, particularly in responsive design and performance optimization. I also gained experience in using Next.js for client projects, which has become a valuable tool for me which I can use later on as well.


My first client project for my web development business was a nice project to work on. I learned a lot of things from it, how to communicate with a client, technical skills, and design skills. It was a blend of challenges, learning, and satisfaction that has set a good start for my journey.